We are UNDENIABLY strong when our goals align.

The strategic plan, Quest 2028: One VCU Together We Transform, sets the projected course for VCU for the years 2022 to 2028. Download the university's full plan for additional details and success metrics.

Our administrative and academic division and unit strategic plans will serve as the implementation plans for Quest 2028.

By summer 2023 all division and unit plans will be developed and/or updated to align with Quest 2028.


Diversity driving excellence

We champion diversity, equity and inclusion in all that we do and advance a conscientious drive to support a climate where excellence and success for all people are valued and differences are celebrated.

  • Nurture an institutional culture and climate that is diverse, inclusive, equitable and engaged.
  • Implement an organizational infrastructure to support, sustain and scale DEI initiatives that infuses them into clinical care, curriculum, scholarship and practice.
  • Demonstrate national and international DEI thought leadership.

Student success

We ignite student success through curricular innovation, a holistic culture of care and an engaged and empowered workforce.

  • Transform curriculum so that all students engage in inquiry, discovery, innovation, experiential learning, civic engagement and creative expression to prepare them for the future of work.
  • Enhance the university culture of care and responsiveness supporting student engagement, success and sense of belonging.
  • Retain and attract a diverse community of highly qualified faculty and staff that reflects a culture where everyone matters and belongs; ensure the culture supports career satisfaction and growth.

Research and innovation

We distinguish VCU as a vibrant public research university where researchers, educators, practitioners and entrepreneurs innovate together to improve lives and address societal challenges.

  • Amplify VCU’s impact on society through excellence across all disciplines, knowledge creation and transdisciplinary research.
  • Build a collaborative research culture that powers meaningful change and impact and is based on ethics, integrity, inclusive practices and critical and analytical thinking.
  • Implement a research infrastructure model that is scalable,nimble and ready for growth.

Thriving communities

We deliver on our commitment to solving social and health inequities in partnership with communities.

  • Collaborate to build an adaptive infrastructure that meets the evolving needs of VCU and communities.
  • Partner with communities to help inspire authentic gains in health, education and economic prosperity.
  • Create and leverage pathways that demonstrate that our academic and healthcare goals and innovations benefit and complement the objectives of our community partners.
  • Actively seek community partnerships and opportunities to elevate awareness and collaborative action between VCU and communities.